Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Developing & Discovering...


Some people don't believe they have any talents and a lot of people don't really know what their talents exactly are. That sounds a bit strange because someone might think "That's not true. I know my talents. I'm a natural at snowboarding and I am great dancer!" for example. But that's not what this is about.

Let me give you a definition of

Your talents are in you, they are a part of you, always have been, and you are most probably not even aware of their exact nature and/or what to do with them.

Spend some time identifying your true talent(s), ask yourself if you display these talents regularly and try to find two or three examples. Then put them through another test by asking 5 questions: are they 1. fundamental (are they innate), 2. are they things you do with ease, 3. can you repeatedly do them with success, 4. are they something that give you pleasure without having to put a lot of effort into them, and 5. are they getting recognised by others, because talent is something seen and recognised by others through evidence.

The few talents (or even if it is only a single one, that's ok) that are left after assessing them closely are the most powerful tools you possess. Learn how to improve and use them properly because your talents won't last if they are not being used.

And you might have guessed it, on the journey of getting to know yourself (better) discovering your talents is a major step towards living a happy and successful life. Here are (only) two reasons why:

Now go and dig deep, see what you find - it's totally worth it! I've started digging and I can see the light... and lots of beautiful creatures along the way.

"The person born with a talent they are meant to use will find their greatest happiness in using it." 
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

(Can't believe I'm quoting Goethe in English.)

xx stay beautiful xx

Monday, 16 September 2013

Circumstances don't define you

Fiji much...

What a poser

In this and the last post you find some pictures taken in an environment where my mind, body and soul are at complete peace. I love being at the beach, in the water, riding a horse, looking at palm trees, exploring the underwater world as much as everything above sea level. While the ocean and tropics seem to have a magical influence on me, I really want to point out here that it doesn't matter if I am at the beach or in the city to be happy and at ease. It is completely up to me and my mindset on how I feel no matter where I am in this world. If I choose to be happy on a rainy day in the city, enjoying a nice cup of tea while I am getting some work done, I make a conscious decision not to let circumstances or environment influence on how I feel.

"Happiness has to do with your mindset, not with outside circumstance." Steve Maraboli

Keeping this in mind, you are able to experience limitless freedom and happiness. I have experienced this so many times while traveling the world and living in all kind of different places, especially not always the most inspiring and beautiful ones. What I've learned from the journey is that each single place teaches you something about yourself. It teaches you how to deal with a certain environment, with its people and their culture, and if you are open-minded and willing to embrace what each place has to offer, what each place is going to teach you - even if you don't realise or see it immediately - you will grow. You will grow stronger and most of all, you will get to know yourself better.

Blaming circumstance, environment, everything and everyone around you is the easy way out of not having to (get to) know yourself or facing any challenges in your life. Of course it is so much easier for me to be happy and carefree in an environment I am comfortable in, either because I grew up there and it's all I've ever known or because it's a place where I always wanted to be. Being at the beach in the tropics and being happy is one of the easiest tasks (for me) but aren't you up for a challenge or do you want to keep living your life where and how "you're used to" because getting out of your comfort zone is just a little bit too hard?

Well, it's not for everyone because one thing is certain if you want to grow - YOU GOTTA GO OUT THERE AND DO IT!

"You have to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was." Abraham Lincoln

Join the journey! That's all for today.
Hope to see you on the flip side xx

Thursday, 12 September 2013


"How inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is quite clearly Ocean." 
Arthur C. Clarke

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Watcha looking at?!

It's all about perspective peeps x

"One person's craziness is another person's reality."
Tim Burton