Tuesday 8 October 2013


Making time for the important things in life. These days everyone is constantly busy doing "something". But what are we actually doing? Many of us seem to underestimate the importance of prioritising. If you really want to lose weight or get fit, you just make time for a workout. If you REALLY want to catch up with that friend of yours, guess what - you will make time to go for a coffee or lunch.

Start prioritising and don't get lost in the "too busy" jungle because most of the time it's the easiest thing to say if someone asks you what you are doing or if you have time. We are taught that having time or doing "nothing" for  a bit (especially in an office or at work) won't be tolerated or perceived as lazy. But ask yourself, if you are doing "nothing" are you actually doing absolutely "nothing"?

Gathering thoughts, lying in the sun... we are obviously always doing "something" but are we always "busy" or even "too busy"?
I will finish here (quite abruptly) to let it sink in so I can PRIORITISE.


  1. Fitness is very good for joyful life. And for fitness, proper diet and regular exercise is very important.

    Kopi Luwak

  2. http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/30/the-busy-trap/?_r=0



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